Shipping & Returns Policy
We are a UK based company and do not offer global shipping at this time.
All parcels dispatched directly from ourselves are shipped using Royal Mail and are dispatched within two business days. Some custom made and made-to-order items are shipped directly from the manufacturer and may take up to 3 business days to be dispatched.
Everything shipped directly from us is done so using Royal Mail 2nd class (3-5 business days) domestic shipping as standard, with an upgrade to Royal Mail 1st class (1-2 business days) available at checkout. All custom made and made-to-order items except cards are tracked as standard, which cannot be changed. The courier service used may vary.
Please note that delivery days are estimates only, and there may be delays during busier times of the year such as seasonal holidays. Please keep in mind that delivery estimates are taken from the day your parcel is dispatched and not from the day you made the purchase.
If your order contains more than one item and one of the items is either custom made or made-to-order, these items may arrive in separate packages. Please don't panic if your order does not arrive on the same day. These items are sent out directly from the supplier, and dispatch times may differ slightly. You will be notified of all dispatches via email or text depending on the information you provided at checkout.
Royal Mail Posting Dates 2024
The following are estimates only and do not guarantee your parcel will arrive in time. To avoid disappointment, please place your Christmas orders well in advance.
Last Posting Date
Wednesday 18th Dec 2024 - Must be at least 1st class to make it in time for Christmas. Using tracked is even better ;)
We have a 14 day return policy, which means you have 14 days from the day you receive your item to request a return. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.
Exceptions / non-returnable items
Due to the custom nature of personalised items, they are non-refundable. We take great care in ensuring that all personalised items are created with the utmost care and attention to detail. If there is an issue with your order, please contact us and we will do our best to rectify the situation.
Request a Return
To start a return, you need to contact us at If your return is accepted, we’ll provide instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
Please note that you are responsible for the return shipping/postage costs. Please consider tracking your item with the postal service or obtaining postal insurance as we cannot be held responsible if your item is lost on its way back to us. For any shortfall in shipping/postage fees that we incur, the shortfall value will be deducted from the refund issued.
When your return has been received by us we will inspect it, and approve or reject your refund request. You will be notified of the decision via email. If a refund is approved, the purchase value (deducting any shipping cost shortfall) will be credited to your original method of payment and to the original account holder only.
Please note that a gift recipient will not be able to request a refund and should contact the sender/purchaser for them to get in touch with us within 14 days of the purchase date.
Refunds are authorised immediately and although the funds may leave our account straight away it may take longer for the amount to show in your account. Processing times can differ depending on your bank or credit card company but this usually doesn't take any longer that 5 to 7 working days.
Damages and Issues
Please inspect your order upon receipt and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate and resolve the issue.
Whilst we have taken every effort to ensure the items arrive with the recipient in perfect condition. If upon opening your parcel you find something has gone wrong, please contact us within 14 days of receiving it at and we will be happy to help put things right.
Despite the manufacturer's best efforts sometimes things just do not work as expected, and when this happens it disappoints us all. If you believe your product is malfunctioning or is faulty in any way please let us know so that we can resolve the situation.
If you receive an item that is unfit for purpose because it was described inaccurately or was misleading in any way please let us know so that we can investigate the situation and get the issue resolved for you.
If you wish to make a change to your order please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. If the changes are possible, we will inform you of any price changes and the impact it may have on delivery times. We will also provide any additional information we deem relevant as a request of your change. If we cannot make the change or the consequences of making the change are unacceptable to you, you have the right to cancel the order.
If you wish to cancel an order please contact us as soon as possible. If your order has not been dispatched we will cancel the order and issue a full refund. You will also receive an email notification to confirm this. If you do not receive this email please check your spam folder.
We pride ourselves on quick dispatch times so if your order has already been shipped you must return the items within 14 days of receiving them to be considered for a refund. To qualify for a refund you must follow the returns procedure and fulfil the criteria outlined in the returns section of this document.
In rare circumstances, we may have to cancel an order. Should this situation ever arise you will be notified of the reason and issued a full refund.
Missing parcel
In the unforeseen and unlikely event that your parcel has not been delivered within 21 days, please contact us at and we will attempt to confirm its whereabouts with the postal service. If the postal service deem the item to be missing, we will offer to either replace the items or issue you with a full refund.
If you should at a later date receive the missing parcel, we would appreciate being notified so that we can arrange a way for the item to be returned to us at no extra cost to you. We may even provide you with a promotional offer for your honesty.
If you have not been able to find the information you were looking for, or have additional delivery & returns related questions please contact us at